
Leonardo F. Reyes Pabon

A short introduction to the mind of a young and amaterur film director.

Let the words do the work from now.

When it to weaknesses, as they say nobody it’s perfect specially in my case, my biggest weaknes it’s probably organisation. I always try to plan and organise my schedule in time but most of the time I fail. I hope that the fact of having deadlines and more course work would help me to realise how important is prepare and organise things with plenty of time.

My Strengths and Weaknesses

In terms of strenghts, I would say that my biggest one is without a doubt, my honesty, that’s something vital when it comes to work with other and as a team, also another and probably my other strengt is dedication, when I’m keen and 100% focuse on doing something nothing can stop me until it’s done.

My Areas to Develop

Ove the next two years of my degree, some of the key areas that I would like to improve is mostly:

Script Writting: since I got memory, I been dreaming for the day that I would write legendary and moving stories that people would at and feel identify with the character and the story itself.

The art of film editing: edit a movie is something that I had previous experience with but, anyone can edit a movie but is the people with real knowledge and passion who make the final cut of the movie something exceptional. Theres lots of different ways or methods of editing and I want to learn them all.

My Previous Work Expereince

Back in my home town in Madrid Spain, I did some work experience in the national radio call “Cadena 100”, it was a great oportunity for me to see how the media world works, from the simple task of set up the the microphones for the radio presentor to organise the plan schedule for the week. I was only there for a few weeks but during those weeks I did lots of things such as fotocopies, learn how to set up the radio station for a specific program and even work side to side with the radio presentor.

It wasn’t until I came to England when I had my second work experience related with media and for my luck it was working at a music festival here in Oxford call “Common People Festival”. Some of my duties were simple things such as transport material from one area to the other, restock stock in some of the artist dressing rooms or check with security for any problems. Then there was other amazing task like, meet and greet the artists and take them to scenario, make sure the scenario is ready for the artist in terms of audio and lights or even make sure that the artist was happy with everything they had in their dressing room. Working there was a wonderful experience and also educative since I lear that working as a team is a key element in the media industry.

Some things about myself


I posses two level three diplomas from the “City of Oxford College”

Creative Digital Media Production and Technology

Supporting Learning and Teaching In Schools


Apart from movies I got a few other thing that I like to learn more about, things such as philosophy, in particular “Nihilism and existentialism”. Learn new languges, at the moment I speak two of the most speak languages in the world but I’m currently trying to leanr Italian.

Future Goals

I have a lot of goals that I would like to achive in my life but unfurtunaly time only let me work in a few of them, currently I’m working in finish my degree in Film Production at SAE Institute, after that I would like to become an scriptwritter and finally if everything works become a director.


In my spare time theres three main thing that keep me entartain, first one is improve my piano skills. Second is literature, specially Spanish and English literature and third but not less important is video games.

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